How to do a Facebook Reverse Phone Lookup

Does An Unknown Number Keep Calling You?

Or perhaps you just received a call and really want to know who it is from.

I’m not sure about you, but I miss the gold ole’ days when all you needed to make calls was a phone book; and caller ID told you who was calling.

If you are being harassed by an unknown caller it is an option to just block them, but what if they just contact you from another number, or what if you really just want to know who the heck is calling you?

Not sure how to do a cell phone lookup? Most people don’t really know this Facebook Phone Lookup trick. We’ve got the 411 on this easy trick to see who is calling you.

Search Tip: Read Our Article On How to Google a Cell Phone Number

Facebook Phone Number Search Hack

Facebook Hack

This easy hack is simple and all you need is a Facebook profile!

To perform a cell phone lookup on Facebook, you will need to login to your Facebook.

Once you are logged into Facebook, click on Facebook’s search bar. Your recent searches might pop up, you can avoid them.

Now here is the cool part. All you have to do is simply type the phone number you're are searching for in the search box. If the phone number is affiliated with a person’s Facebook profile, their profile will come up in the search results.

Additionally, if a person has shared the number you are looking up in a Facebook post, that Facebook post can pop up if you search the number. This could lead to finding out more about the number (such as who owns it).

Pro Tip: 7 Tips on how to get someone's cell phone number.

Another Way To Find Who Owns A Number On Facebook

Facebook Search

When typing in a number on Facebook’s search bar, you might also be able to find out who owns a number if they share their number in a post.

Why would someone do that? There are a few situations where I’ve noticed that happening.

One situation would be for business reasons.

“I’m taking new customers! Call Me At 444-444-4444 if you want an estimate on your house cleaning.”

Another Situation Would Be If Someone Lost Their Contacts On Their Phone:

“ Yo Facebook friends, my phone deleted all of my contacts, please text or call me with your contact information 444-444-4444.”

The Person Could Be Posting A Number For An Event

“If you can make it, text me at 444-444-4444.”

Doesn’t matter why they shared their cell phone number, you can possibly find out who owns the number that is calling you by using this method.

A Safety Tip

Facebook Safety Tip

If you find out who belongs to a number, you need to be weary of reaching out to the person. If they are calling you constantly, or not leaving you any clues as to who they are, they might be dangerous.

If you are considering the action of messaging this person, think about it before doing so and do it at your own risk.

What If You Can’t Find The Phone Number?

NCD Happy Hour

There is another free option you can try.

Our online cell phone directory has a free Happy Hour every day where you can lookup phone numbers for free.

All you need is a free account with us, and a Facebook or Twitter to see when Happy Hour is every day.