Talking to Girls on Tinder

Talking To Girls On Tinder How To Have A Conversation That Will Win Her Over

In the last article we touched on a few starting points regarding how to get noticed on Tinder and gave you some examples of what to say or what not to say when trying to find your Tinder match.

Read Our Ultimate Tinder Guide

Today's dating scene has significantly changed over the past decade. With so many dating sites made available, there are also many dating apps that have caught the attention of millions of young people.

One of the most popular dating apps is known as Tinder. You can download Tinder onto your notebook, laptop, or even your mobile device.

It’s not just having a good profile...

Having a decent profile is a great start if you’re looking for the ideal mate. Yet, there are still many men who face the challenges of knowing the art of Tinder conversation. You can have the perfect profile picture, and be the ideal match for a love potential. However; if you do not know how to carry on a conversation that can grab the attention of today's modern women, you will not get her phone number let alone a date.

A recent study has shown that 0% of women casually like Tinder profiles compared to 35% of men. This means that men are bombaringwomen everyday, and there is a lot of competition. Here’s is how to get ahead of all of those other men.

Read Our Guide On Finding A Tinder Profile

Where to begin…

Believe it or not, it all begins with knowing how to message your love potential. If you’re a man seeking a woman, you already know the facts; you’ll need to be the first one to make the move.

Here’s something else to consider-women are bombarded with Tinder messages everyday. Knowing this means that you have to think outside the box when it comes to messaging. Let’s dive in with some yays and nays when it comes to texting on Tinder…


Set the ball rolling and be the first to send a message. Send a free compliment her way and comment on anything but her physical appearance. Comment on something she wrote in her bio. Women like to know you took the time to read what they wrote. Make it about her-ask her some questions about herself. Building a rapport takes time. Be patient. After you’ve been messaging the same person for awhile and developed some rapport; it’s time to think about moving your conversation elsewhere.


Shy away from bland messages such as ”hey”, or “whats up?” No monologues! Keep your message at one -two sentences. If your potential love flame doesn’t reply it should be obvious! Don’t keep sending her messages. Keep your temper tantrums to yourself! You’re an adult, act like one. There are plenty of women on Tinder, if you do not receive response or land the match you wanted there’s no need to be angry.

Examples of a conversation that went right

A good conversation begins with the right opening line. For women on the receiving end, there’s nothing worse than reading the same old openers. It doesn’t take a Rocket Scientist to come up with something more creative than “hey”, or “what’s up”? If you start with an opening line that can catch her attention; it’s the start of building great rapport.

Beginning a conversation with anything but these lines will peak curiosity. This doesn’t mean beginning the conversation with similar one liners, you’ll need to take time to get creative if you wish to succeed on Tinder.

Now What?

Make it about her…

Learning what to say to get someone interested, isn’t that difficult really. Have you seen the movie “Magic Mike”? There’s a scene in which a gentleman at the club won the attention of a woman by simply asking her to tell him what she wanted. He made it all about her!

People who know the art of reeling another person into a conversation all know one thing. What is everyone's favorite topic when beginning a conversation? Themselves of course! You won’t go wrong by making it all about her by asking her something about herself.

Did you know that this technique has been scientifically proven to be effective? Yes men, talking about ourselves stimulates the pleasure centers of the brain. It would be in your best interest to tell your potential match you want to know all about HER!

Bring up things she mentioned on her profile page.

Women love being noticed. If you haven’t bothered to take the time and read their bio, why would they want to show an interest in you? Unless the woman is shallow, she wants to know that you’re interested in more than her profile picture.

Compliment her.

Now that you’ve showed her you actually read her her bio, it’s time for some good old fashioned flattery. Throw in a compliment about her physical appearance along with one of her interests, and you can’t go wrong. For example: you can tell her she has amazing eyes and how intrigued you are by her book smarts!

Food works.

Food has worked to draw in church crowds for years. As a matter of fact, food can draw in just about anyone unless they suffer from a severe eating disorder such as anorexia. Invite your gal out for a bite to eat. A good conversation starter is asking her what her favorite food is. After the big reveal ; you can take it run with it! GIF’s and cute fuzzy friends…

While it may seem lame; it my help to know that women love anything “CUTE”. Men; it’s time to show off your cute side if you want to land a date, and that includes getting a date even on Tinder. Reply to a conversation with a cute GIF. If you have a cute pet, send a picture of you and your pet to your new love interest. There’s nothing more attractive than a cute man holding a cute puppy or a kitten. Try to keep your pictures to cute and fuzzy friends. While some women may like pet snakes and rats; we wouldn’t gamble on this one.

Most importantly…

One thing a woman can spot is a fake. Trying to be something or someone you’re not may seem like an okay thing at the time, but it will eventually flop. Women want to know the real you. Who are you? What are your hobbies and interests? Trying to impress too hard can be overkill and end up going sour for you in the long run. Many men try too hard and it ends in disaster. Even if you think you’re the most boring man in the planet; you’ll do better just to simply be yourself.

There’s the one line openers that we've suggested you don’t use as they are too common. This isn’t to suggest you go for the gusto with an overkill. There’s a middle ground for everything. Take the middle road approach without trying too hard, and you won’t go wrong.

Keep it light…

Oh so important when it comes to getting a conversation going. She doesn’t want to hear about your recent break-up or your distaste for your mother. If you’re so miserable, why are you on tinder to begin with?

No woman in their right mind wants to receive a crying emoji and an essay on how you were cheated on by your last two girlfriends. Women receiving a message like this will run for the hills quicker than a jack rabbit. You are on a dating site and simply throwing the bait out in the water. This means keeping things upbeat and casual. A little humor also goes a long way gentlemen!

Wrapping Things Up

What to remember…

Remember these key points and you should do fine on the Tinder dating site. Be yourself. Don’t try too hard gentlemen; women will see right through you. Put in some effort when it comes to those opening lines. A little effort will go a long way.

It’s not all about you!

Don’t hog the conversation and talk about yourself for an hour. Take the time to read her profile page, and let her know you have by mentioning one of her interests.

Keep if on the light side. If your Ex just broke up with you and you’re hurting, perhaps this isn’t the right time for you to strike up a conversation on Tinder. Unless there’s a drama queen out there in search of her drama king; most women aren’t lining up to hear your sob story. It’s not that they're heartless; but let’s face it-it needs to start off being as casual as possible.

Keep your conversations short and to the point. This is much like speed dating. There is no time to read essays.

Ask her what she enjoys doing in her spare time. Make sure you read her profile page first. You may learn all you need to know by taking a look at her bio.

Most importantly...

Try not to flatter her appearance right away. Give her a compliment regarding something she mentioned in her bio. A woman wants to know she’s appreciated and noticed for other qualities other than her physical traits.

When You Meet That Special Someone

If you meet someone and want to know if they are a genuine person, you can use our people search by name tool to verify that they are who they say who they are so that you can safely date someone.

There you have it gentlemen! With these conversation tips, how can you go wrong?